Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Suffer from Crafting ADD

True confession. I suffer from Crafting ADD. It's true. I am 37 years old and I always have. What have I done in these 37 years?
•acrylic painting
•oil painting
•watercolor painting 
•chalk pastel painting 
•tole painting
•jewelry making 
•teddy bear making
• (I feel like I'm missing something--so here is a placeholder bullet)

Is there some sort of 12 step program? Seriously? Because the problem is that I live in a little house, and other than the basketry stuff (which did a total number on my hands) I have the tools and materials for all those crafts. Including the pottery wheel, slab roller, and kiln (which is in the garage). And of course you have to have the books and magazines to go with all this stuff. Because I will jump from craft to craft when the mood strikes, all this stuff stays handy. 

I need an intervention. 

Anyway, I figured I'd start this blog as a sort of journal of my projects and progress. 

But I don't knit. I leave that to my sister. She has her own case of crafty ADD to contend with. 


  1. I have this affliction too I'll follow along...although that sounds like stalking..... XO

  2. Me too! I have it all. Btw, if you want to sell that mango slicer... <3

  3. Bwahaha! Your placeholder bullet is mighty handy, I'm going to remember that. I have the same ADD, but not quite as extensive.
